Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

Goes to UDINUS

          After dind't pass from sbmptn, my mind kept fixed to UDINUS. Although in UDINUS no chemical engineering who became my goal from the beginning but there is still  informatics techniques accredited A.
The next step looking for a scholarship, from BIDIKMISI, superior scholarship and of the foundation. Unfortunately for BIDIKMISI was late registering, superior scholarship not eligible, from the foundation does not allow scholarships for accreditation A because it is too expensive. After receiving an explanation from the lecturer UDINUS uncle himself, that there is a new study program that works great opportunities. And here I am, of BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
          The first sign in directly to the event 'dinusi inside', a kind of student orientation. It's the most I do not like when registering the school. Why is there an event like this, directly subject should be. But never mind, the last day all tired paid by the presence of the KOTAK. Finished 'dinus inside' my mind only one, go home.
          Before getting into the class I was thinking. There is a strange, there was something odd about my NIM. Why my NIM ends is 00012? If I was 12th enroll in biomedicine? It was true of only 12 people. It seems like this would be tedious to say the least person in the class. But I was wrong, I had classmates cool cool. Easy to take a joke. Easily bullied especially my friend who came from Timor Leste. Lecturer friendly people, but there is also what makes tense. But do not feel the presence of them all the time passes quickly.

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